Band Level 1
Level 1 band is for beginning students of all grades starting with 8 and up with little or no musical training on a wind, brass, or percussion instrument. Students will learn through the Standards of Excellence book 1. Students interested in percussion may join this class or beginning percussion or both. Note: Music theory will eventually be required to enter the advanced band, this is a great year to take them together. Students Must purchase or rent the instrument they choose to learn with and purchase the corresponding Standards of Excellence Method book.
Band Level 2
The Level 2 band is available for those students who have played at LEAST one year on an instrument. Students need to know the middle school GMEA scales plus be able to play a short piece from the end of the beginner book they went through. Students usually take level 2 class for 2 or more years. Students should consider taking Music Theory along with this class to prepare for Level 3 in which music theory becomes a pre-requisite to audition. ( Music theory pre requisite will take effect Fall of 2023.)
The GMEA middle school scales can be found here.
Band Level 3
Audition Only.
The Level 3 Band is available for those students who have played at LEAST two years on an instrument ( most have 3 or 4) . Audition Requirements: Woodwind, Brass, Mallets: 1. GMEA scales , all 12 as listed on the GMEA website under symphonic scales for their instrument. 2. Snare Drum: Know all rudiments from Standard of Excellence Book II. Rudiments will be chosen from this book. Starting in 2023 all new Level 3 Students should have completed at least 1 year of Music theory. If you plan to audition next year please keep this in mind when registering.
The GMEA Symphonic scales can be found here.