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Joyful Noise has programs for all home school students between the ages of 1 to 18.



Students are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. Students missing more than two rehearsals within a concert period or missing a rehearsal prior to a performance may have their seating changed or be denied permission to perform. No student will be allowed to perform in a concert if he or she misses the final rehearsal prior to the performance. 


Bad Weather Policy

Due to the great distances some of our families travel, we have to have a conservative bad weather policy. If Cobb Public Schools are closed for bad weather, Joyful Noise is closed. We do not make up these days. Please check for weather updates on our news page before leaving for band.



For those who are dissatisfied with chair placement, you may challenge to move up. These challenges will be heard on the last Friday of each month. If you wish to challenge, you must obtain a “Challenge Notification Form” from the Information Table. Fill it out and give it to your director the Friday before the scheduled challenge. Your director will schedule a time. If you miss the scheduled time, the challenge is forfeit. You must wait another month to challenge again. The director’s decision is final.



JNHSB has student guidelines that every student and parent are expected to follow. As we wish to do all to the glory of God, we require all our families to exhibit the following minimal personal virtues:


  • Kindness

  • Punctuality in attendance and work

  • Truthfulness

  • Courtesy and respect toward others

  • Modesty in dress

  • Diligence in effort and attention

  • Respect for and obedience to those in authority



Code of Conduct

Students are expected to behave in a respectful, obedient fashion while participating in Joyful Noise activities, at the church or at performing venues. Any abuse of the facilities could cause us to lose this privilege; therefore, abuse of the facilities and disrespectful conduct or attitude is grounds for immediate dismissal without refund. Our desire is to be pleasing to the Lord and not a stumbling block to each other. This code of conduct will be enforced before, during, and after class anywhere on the property in which Joyful Noise practices. Damage done to the facility or its equipment will be the financial responsibility of the persons involved in causing the damage.

The following behavior will result in immediate disciplinary action:


  • Foul language or unwholesome talk (Eph. 4:29)

  • Roughhousing

  • Disruptive behavior during rehearsals

  • Disrespect for those in authority

  • Bullying or threatening behavior

  • Unsupervised students in areas of the church

  • All other inappropriate behavior as deemed by the director


Daily Practice

Daily Practice is required of all students.  Please note your particular student's goal and help them adhere to it.

Dress Code

“Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.” – Philippians 4:5 Everyone (including family members of students) must come properly dressed to JNHSB. Your children will be dismissed from a practice or a performance if not dressed properly. Midriff tops and undergarments that show are not allowed.


Dress Code for concerts

See separate chart.  Choral, recorder, band and orchestra students have a dress code for concerts. 


Facility Care

The atmosphere of our music program must be one of order, discipline, and cooperation. No running or roughhousing will be permitted. Please remember we are guests at Shilo Baptist Church and our concert venues. Let’s work together to leave the building in the same condition as we found it. Please enter and leave at the back door. Unless otherwise directed, all Joyful Noise activities are limited to designated rooms in the building.  Students found in unauthorized areas will receive one warning only.  Further infractions against these rules will result in permanent dismissal from the program.  Our student’s safety is paramount and unattended students, whatever age, are against Joyful Noise Policy.


Instruments and Instrument Care

All beginner band and orchestra students must attend an instrument fitting during the summer. As a rule, each family is responsible for providing their instruments. Orchestra students will need a violin, viola, cello or bass. We do have some band instruments that we loan for a low maintenance fee for the school year.  These are available on a limited basis, so we recommend that you ask friends, neighbors, church associates and others if they have any instruments they aren’t using. If you leave Joyful Noise for some reason, please consider donating your ‘gift’ instrument, so that others may receive the same blessing you have received.


Students should never play or handle another student’s instrument, case, or accessories. Instruments and cases should be left in the designated area. Students other than the drummers should never touch the percussion equipment. Parents are financially responsible for repairs to and upkeep of instruments loaned to their child by the band.


Percussion Students

Percussion students must provide a snare and bell set for beginner band, but will have free use of many other instruments, as the music requires. All percussion students must have at least a year of experience playing a piano or other instrument in order to play percussion in the beginner band.


Lost and Found

We have a lost and found with items gathered weekly. In order to build responsibility in our students, we charge  $.75 per item in order to redeem it if it has your name on it. Items not labeled with be charged a $1.00 fee to reclaim them. Items will be available for one month following the date left, after such time items will be sold or donated. Please put your name on everything! All coats, backpacks, stands and music books look the same! We do not assume the responsibility of keeping up with your things.



Lunch is available each week as a fund-raiser for the Joyful Noise Marching Saints Band.  A variety of items are served on a rotating basis.  Past meals have included tacos and quesadillas, soups, hot dogs, chili, and more.  All is delicious and each meal has a reasonable cost.  Come and support your homeschool marching band!  You are always welcome to bring your own lunch too.  However, you might then consider purchasing one of their delicious home-baked deserts!



Joyful Noise car Magnets are available at the information desk. They cost only $3 or 2 for $5.  Show your support for Joyful Noise by purchasing a magnet for your car.


Music and Copyright Policy

Joyful Noise complies with copyright laws and follows the publisher’s requirements for music use by the members of JNHSB. Everyone participating (teachers, students, student’s families, etc…) in any JNHSB activity is required to govern themselves according to the law and according to the policies of JNHSB. Music issued by JNHSB remains the property of JNHSB. No teacher, student or family members may keep or copy the music issued to them by JNHSB in any form. All music must be returned to JNHSB. Joyful Noise assumes no responsibility for actions of teachers, students or family members in violation of the above-mentioned laws.


Need-Based Scholarships

We endeavor to keep Joyful Noise fees low for all our families. However on occasion, some may experience a season of financial need due to the loss of a spouse, job, a medical emergency, or other significant financial setback. These need-based scholarships come from Joyful Noise funds, and are therefore, limited. They are awarded on an ‘as needed’ basis. Preference is given to single mother households and/or current Joyful Noise members, but others are considered. These are in the form of partial scholarships. We do not desire that any student be denied musical training because of lack of finances. The purpose of the JNHSB Scholarship Fund is to give thanks to, and glorify the Lord through aiding those home school families who are in temporary difficulty. If God has blessed you financially, you may make a donation to a specific family or student. Donations may be made anonymously, if desired. We thank those families that have already contributed to this cause.


Parent Participation in class

Parents can participate in Joyful Noise programs for only the $60 registration fee and not have to pay tuition at any time. We have many parents who play with their student in band or orchestra, as well as sing in the chorus. It’s amazing how it helps build family unity when both parent and child are learning to play an instrument. Students find that they are on a level playing field and can compete with their parent, perhaps for the first time! Seeing their parents being diligent in practice encourages diligence in the student. Students sitting near the parent actually appreciate their support and encouragement. It works for our students, our families and our programs. It’s a good thing all around.

Parent Participation in the program operation

Due to the number of students involved and a desire to keep the cost of Joyful Noise programs reasonable, we find it necessary to require all families to participate in the operation of Joyful Noise. Approximately 10 hours (+/-) per family/per year is all that is needed to operate Joyful Noise in an efficient manner. You will be invited to sign up for a job as soon as you turn in your registration form. Please sign up as soon as possible. We need all families to respond early to have the whole year scheduled. If you have health problems that prevent you from working, an exception may be made for you. If you are healthy, but too busy to help, you will be charged $120 per year to be of help in a different way. Please be sure to indicate this by checking the appropriate box on the Registration Form.


Parental Supervision

We are not a drop-off service. We thank you in advance for understanding that every student or child must be supervised by an adult at all times. There is a waiting room available for you and your children to use. There are to be no children running in the building at any time.

No students are to leave the building or congregate outside of the building without parental supervision at any time. Students may not walk to the Dollar General, Dunkin Donuts, or any other establishment nearby, without a parent unless they are 16 or older and have a signed “Independent Student Contract” on file with their parent’s permission checked on the form.


Many of our parents use this time to encourage each other, and the little ones love to play. If you must leave your student at Joyful Noise, you must arrange for another parent to be in charge of your student until you return and your student must know that “Mrs. So-and-so is responsible for you.” You must also sign them in at the information desk along with the name of the responsible parent. Students driving themselves to Joyful Noise are expected to monitor their own behavior appropriately. They must also have an “Independent Student Contract” on file at the information desk and sign in and out weekly.


Section Leaders

A section leader is the first chair or principle player of a given section. It is an honor to be section leader, as it means you have worked hard to be the very best on your instrument. This is rewarded with the status of section leader, but also carries certain responsibilities. More detailed information will be provided to section leaders in band class.


Sign in at the Desk Each Week

Please make sure that you sign in at the desk each week. If a parent is waiting in the car, you must note that on the form. If another parent is assuming responsibility for your child, their name must be signed in next to your child’s name. This is for security purposes.

Student Requirements

All students are required to maintain a record of home practice to keep up with our weekly instruction. All students will need to provide a folding stand for home practice and to bring to rehearsals, as well as a 1” black binder for concert music, a practice book, to be announced and “concert dress.” Experienced students needing to be placed in a class should come prepared to audition with our directors on Audition Day in August. And of course, being a homeschool program, students must be home-educated.



Joyful Noise might offer a yearbook for purchase. After a year and a half off, we need to check the financial feasibility of doing this again. Purchase is optional. You may want to stop at the Information desk to check it out. It will arrive a few weeks before the end of the school year. Every effort is made to showcase each student. Seniors receive special recognition in the yearbook. Everyone is needed to assist in taking photographs and putting the book together using the fabulous program.

Joyful Noise Home School Band holds to the truth that all people are created in the image of God. Therefore, we will never discriminate against any student on the basis of race, color or national origin.


All students are precious to us and will receive just treatment and equal opportunity for advancement.

Joyful Noise Guidelines


© 2024 Joyful Noise Band 

All Rights Reserved


If you need to contact us feel free to use the form above or call Monique McCord at  678-886-8059

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